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owl::APIContext Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for owl::APIContext:
owl::Context owl::Object

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr< APIContextSP
- Public Types inherited from owl::Context
typedef std::shared_ptr< ContextSP
- Public Types inherited from owl::Object
typedef std::shared_ptr< ObjectSP

Public Member Functions

 APIContext (int32_t *requestedDeviceIDs, int numRequestedDevices)
virtual std::string toString () const override
APIHandlecreateHandle (Object::SP object)
void track (APIHandle *object)
void forget (APIHandle *object)
void releaseAll ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::Context
virtual std::string toString () const override
 Context (int32_t *requestedDeviceIDs, int numRequestedDevices)
virtual ~Context ()
size_t deviceCount () const
const std::vector< DeviceContext::SP > & getDevices () const
DeviceContext::SP getDevice (int ID) const
void buildHitGroupRecordsOn (const DeviceContext::SP &device)
void buildRayGenRecordsOn (const DeviceContext::SP &device)
void buildMissProgRecordsOn (const DeviceContext::SP &device)
void setRayTypeCount (size_t rayTypeCount)
void setBoundLaunchParamValues (const std::vector< OWLBoundValueDecl > &boundValues)
void enableMotionBlur ()
void enableCurves ()
void enableSpheres ()
void disablePerGeometrySBTRecords ()
void setMaxInstancingDepth (int32_t maxInstanceDepth)
void setNumAttributeValues (size_t numAttributeValues)
void setNumPayloadValues (size_t numPayloadValues)
void buildSBT (OWLBuildSBTFlags flags)
void buildPipeline ()
void buildPrograms (bool debug=false)
void destroyPrograms ()
void buildModules (bool debug=false)
void destroyModules ()
Texture::SP texture2DCreate (OWLTexelFormat texelFormat, OWLTextureFilterMode filterMode, OWLTextureAddressMode addressMode, OWLTextureColorSpace colorSpace, const vec2i size, uint32_t linePitchInBytes, const void *texels)
GeomGroup::SP trianglesGeomGroupCreate (size_t numChildren, unsigned int buildFlags)
GeomGroup::SP curvesGeomGroupCreate (size_t numChildren, unsigned int buildFlags)
GeomGroup::SP userGeomGroupCreate (size_t numChildren, unsigned int buildFlags)
GeomGroup::SP sphereGeomGroupCreate (size_t numChildren, unsigned int buildFlags)
Buffer::SP deviceBufferCreate (OWLDataType type, size_t count, const void *init)
Buffer::SP hostPinnedBufferCreate (OWLDataType type, size_t count)
Buffer::SP managedMemoryBufferCreate (OWLDataType type, size_t count, const void *init)
Buffer::SP graphicsBufferCreate (OWLDataType type, size_t count, cudaGraphicsResource_t resource)
RayGenType::SP createRayGenType (Module::SP module, const std::string &progName, size_t varStructSize, const std::vector< OWLVarDecl > &varDecls)
RayGen::SP createRayGen (const std::shared_ptr< RayGenType > &type)
LaunchParamsType::SP createLaunchParamsType (size_t varStructSize, const std::vector< OWLVarDecl > &varDecls)
LaunchParams::SP createLaunchParams (const std::shared_ptr< LaunchParamsType > &type)
MissProgType::SP createMissProgType (Module::SP module, const std::string &progName, size_t varStructSize, const std::vector< OWLVarDecl > &varDecls)
MissProg::SP createMissProg (const std::shared_ptr< MissProgType > &type)
void setMissProg (int rayTypeToSet, MissProg::SP missProgToUse)
GeomType::SP createGeomType (OWLGeomKind kind, size_t varStructSize, const std::vector< OWLVarDecl > &varDecls)
Module::SP createModule (const std::string &ptxCode)
Module::SP createModule (const std::vector< uint8_t > &IR)
- Public Member Functions inherited from owl::Object
 Object ()
virtual std::string toString () const
virtual DeviceData::SP createOn (const std::shared_ptr< DeviceContext > &device)
void createDeviceData (const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< DeviceContext > > &devices)
template<typename T >
std::shared_ptr< T > as ()

Public Attributes

std::set< APIHandle * > activeHandles
std::mutex monitor
- Public Attributes inherited from owl::Context
RangeAllocator sbtRangeAllocator
std::vector< MissProg::SP > missProgPerRayType
int maxInstancingDepth = 1
bool perGeometrySBTRecordsDisabled = false
int numRayTypes { 1 }
bool motionBlurEnabled = false
bool curvesEnabled = false
bool spheresEnabled = false
int numAttributeValues = 2
int numPayloadValues = 2
LaunchParams::SP dummyLaunchParams
ObjectRegistryT< Bufferbuffers
ObjectRegistryT< Texturetextures
ObjectRegistryT< Groupgroups
ObjectRegistryT< RayGenTyperayGenTypes
ObjectRegistryT< RayGenrayGens
ObjectRegistryT< MissProgTypemissProgTypes
ObjectRegistryT< MissProgmissProgs
ObjectRegistryT< GeomTypegeomTypes
ObjectRegistryT< Geomgeoms
ObjectRegistryT< Modulemodules
ObjectRegistryT< LaunchParamsTypelaunchParamTypes
ObjectRegistryT< LaunchParamslaunchParams
- Public Attributes inherited from owl::Object
const size_t uniqueID
std::vector< DeviceData::SP > deviceData

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from owl::Context
static bool logging ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from owl::Object
static std::atomic< uint64_t > nextAvailableID

Member Function Documentation

◆ releaseAll()

void owl::APIContext::releaseAll ( )

delete - and thereby, release - all handles that we still own.

◆ toString()

virtual std::string owl::APIContext::toString ( ) const

pretty-printer, for printf-debugging

Reimplemented from owl::Context.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: